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2025 IN Legislative Session

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The Indiana AFL-CIO is dedicated to strengthening the rights of Hoosier workers.  As a proud federation of more than 400 local unions across the state belonging to 40 different International Unions representing nearly 300,000 union members, the Indiana AFL-CIO advocates for the rights and wellbeing of all workers. Our 2025 legislative agenda focuses on investing in workers and reaffirming our belief in our Workers’ Bill of Rights. 

Here are the key components of the Workers' Bill of Rights:

  • A Good Job with Fair Wages: Everyone who wants to work has the right to a good job where we earn a fair return on our work and receive a wage that allows us to support ourselves and our families.
  • Quality Health Care: Regardless of income, job or a pre-existing condition.
  • A Safe Job: Free from harassment and violence.
  • Paid Time Off and Flexible Scheduling
  • Freedom from Discrimination: In hiring, firing and promotions.
  • Retire with Dignity: And financial security.
  • Education: Public K-12, higher education and career training that advances our knowledge and skills without leaving us in debt.
  • Freedom to Join Together: To negotiate with our co-workers for better wages and working conditions, whether we are in a union or not.
  • A Voice in Democracy: To freely exercise our democratic voice through voting and civic participation so that we can make sure our government stands up for this Workers’ Bill of Rights.

Here are the bills we are watching closely that will impact working Hoosiers: INAFLCIO Tracked Bills