Solidarity Calls
We are bringing together all the folks within our constituency groups on one call to 1) begin rebuilding and reengaging our constituency groups and 2) begin building statewide solidarity within our constituency groups.
Please find more information about all of our constituency groups below and email Solidarity{at} for the meeting link
Hoosier Solidarity Call
Every Third Wednesday · 6:00 – 7:00 PM EST
The AFL-CIO is a diverse and inclusive family of working people. We advocate for all workers. Our constituency groups address the challenges that workers from diverse backgrounds face. These groups reach out to the communities they serve, build solidarity, help out with organizing efforts and ensure full participation in our movement. Now is the time we mobilize!
A. Philip Randolph Institute: APRI is an alliance between labor and the civil rights movement. Today, it fights for racial equality and economic justice. Click here to connect with a local chapter in Indiana! Find more information to attend theAPRI Midwest Regional Education Conference March 27-29th in Indianapolis, IN.
Alliance for Retired Americans: The Alliance for Retired Americans is a nationwide grass roots organization, launched in May 2001, with more than 4.3 million members working together to make their voices heard in the laws, policies, politics, and institutions that shape American life. Fill out this form to connect with our ARA chapters in Indiana!
Coalition of Labor Union Women: CLUW unifies union women to face shared concerns. The coalition focuses on action on issues important to women workers. Join our local chapter here!
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement: LCLAA represents 2 million Latino workers. The council organizes working people to protect the rights and expand the influence of Latinos. Fill out this form to help us build our LCLAA chapters in Indiana!
Pride At Work: Pride@Work brings together the labor movement and the LGBTQ community in pursuit of social and economic justice. Join us in Indiana to grow our Pride at Work chapters!
Union Veterans Council: The council brings together workers who are veterans and speaks out on issues that affect them the most. Fill out this form to join us!
Young Workers Council: The AFL-CIO Next Up Young Worker Program is a place for young people and their unions, progressive allies, students and community groups to join together and work toward social and economic justice. Fill out this form to join with a Young Worker Council in Indiana!